Like anyone else, people who are blind or visually impaired enjoy receiving greeting cards and holiday cards. Several greeting card companies make cards with embossed or tactile images. The paper may have a simple embossed design, or tactile shapes made with felt or glitter. Below you’ll find the four different styles of braille cards along […]
How to Play World of Warcraft Blind (Without Sight)
This article was originally posted by /u/BlindlyPlayingGames on Reddit. You can also find him here on Twitch and YouTube. We have formatted it here for better readability. A few months ago, I started to do some research on how viable it would be for a blind person to play World of Warcraft; however, I wasn’t […]
26 Best Apps for the Visually Impaired [2021 Edition]
There are dozens of apps specifically designed to help people with visual impairments live their best lives. Here are 25 of the best apps for the visually impaired. Note: While we have some favorites, for now we’ve just organized the list alphabetically. Access Note AccessNote is a sophisticated note-taking app designed to support visually impaired […]
10 Tips for Dating with a Visual Impairment
Navigating the twenty-first century dating scene is stress-inducing for most singles. For the visually impaired, there is an additional dimension of challenge when navigating the dating world. While it may be tempting to forgo the dating apps and cuddle up with your cat and a bottle of wine instead, there is love and companionship to […]
How to Own Pets While Visually Impaired (A Short Guide)
Owning pets is a source of comfort and joy to people from all walks of life, and those with visual impairments are no exception. Benefits to Owning Pets While Visually Impaired Physical & Mental Benefits Pet ownership has been linked to decreased blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Additionally, pet owners report reduced levels of loneliness […]