A business card is often the only thing a potential client will take away from a meeting. It is the first impression of who the brand is and what they stand for.
With accessible business cards you can reach the widest audience possible and have a great conversation piece for your next meeting.
Standard Business Cards vs Braille Business Cards
Standard business cards are usually 3 ½ x 2 inches.
On your standard business cards, you most likely use various sizes of small print to fit information like your business logo, name, address, and contact information in an aesthetically pleasing format.
Unlike regular print, the size of braille cannot be adjusted.
Braille is approximately the size of 29-point Arial font. (Note: for reference the other font on this page is 18-point.)
If you were confined to 29-point font, you wouldn’t be able to fit much information on your business card, right?
Braille is typically limited to the most important information.
- Company name
- Your name
- Phone number, email, OR website
Standard business cards can typically fit 4 lines of 13 characters in braille. The 13 characters include spaces and extra characters like a special character to indicate a capital letter.
5 Best Places to Get Braille Business Cards
Several companies provide printing and/or braille embossing services to help you prioritize your information in braille and make your business cards all-inclusive.
(Note: The list below is not in any particular order.)
BrailleWorks provides graphic design services to help you create your business card artwork, along with 4 lines of crisp, clean, and easy to read embossed braille.
BrailleWorks requires a minimum order of 250 business cards. You can send in your uncut printed business cards or have them print and braille for you.
National Braille Press
Need more information in braille on your business cards? The National Braille Press offers foldable business cards to include more print and braille. They will work with you to develop, prioritize, and verify the accuracy of your business cards.
National Braille Press also provides options for large print type on your business cards.
Access-USA is North America’s largest braille business card producer.
Any number of business cards up to 500 can be embossed with braille for one price. Access-USA is only a braille transcription service. They do not print the cards.
The Braille Bookstore
The Braille Bookstore boasts the lowest-price and three-day turnaround guarantee for transcribed business cards.
Send in your pre-printed business cards and receive crisp, sharp braille business cards returned to you in three days.
Morning Print
Morning Print is an international group that specializes in business cards, post cards, and stickers with braille.
You purchase the business card with braille in quantities of 200, for approximately $20 per 200 cards.
One important note is the braille is not embossed. They use raised ink to create the braille and one concern is whether it is raised enough to be able to read easily (at the time of writing this we have never seen a business card with raised ink braille).
However, people may prefer the raised ink over the embossed business cards because the raised ink braille isn’t present on both sides of the cards.
Do It Yourself (DIY) Braille Business Cards
Want to braille your own business cards?
Option #1: Braille Embosser
The American Printing House for the Blind (APH) sells a remarkable office tool called the Impressor to instantly emboss braille on your standard size business cards.
Like a notary publics stamp, the braille Impressor is custom-made with your information.
Just insert your business card into the Impressor and firmly squeeze for instant braille!
Option #2: Braille Card Slate
This ultra-thin, aluminum slate will emboss four lines (twelve cells per line) on regular-sized business cards. The only downfall is this method requires knowledge and familiarity with braille. It may also be a bit time consuming as you have to punch each individual dot to create the correct braille cell.
Braille business cards make a strong positive statement about the individual and the company they represent.
It opens the door to conversations with both sighted and people who are visually impaired about why accessibility is important to you and your company.
Braille business cards are a small step to raise awareness and to encourage inclusion in the workplace.
need pricing on 250/500 business cards with
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I need a price on braille business cards x 100 units